Cagliari, Claudio Ranieri’s partial turnaround

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Cagliari, Claudio Ranieri’s partial turnaround

Soì Claudio Ranieri, interviewed by Giorgio Porrà on Sky Sport makes clear on his future: “Tonight’s match with Fiorentina will be my last game as coach of Cagliari and of a club. But as I have alreadyà said in the past, if the proposal of a national team comes, I will take itò into consideration".

His, therefore, is not è a farewell to soccer. But only to club teams. "Before the call from Cagliari, I had received some offers – said Ranieri – which then, però did not materialize and I did not explain whyé. Then è came the call from Cagliari and then lì I realized that fate wanted me to close my career where it all began”.

“I thank everyone, from the president to all the staff. The public è was extraordinary, and not only the Curva that never made us feel alone despite the difficulties of living on an island, taking planes, trains, etc., to follow Cagliari away".

After playing with Roma, Catanzaro, Catania and Palermo, Claudio Ranieri, 72, has coached in Serie A from 1990 to the present Cagliari, Napoli, Fiorentina, Parma, Juventus, Roma, Inter, Roma again, Sampdoria and finally Cagliari again, while abroad he has been on the bench of Valencia, Atletico Madrid, Chelsea, Monaco, Nantes, Fulham and Watford.

But his finest triumph came in 2015-2016, winning the Premer League with Leicester. In Italy he won an Italian Cup and a Super Cup with Fiorentina, while in Europe he è won an Intertoto Cup and a Super Cup with Valencia.

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