F1, Flavio Briatore in Alpine? The clarification of the team

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F1, Flavio Briatore in Alpine? The clarification of the team

This is the position that filters from the Alpine Formula 1 team regarding the possible return of Flavio Briatore in the circus, with a role as supervisor of the French team, reported today by Corriere della Sera.

"We are in frequent contact with numerous experts in the field in order to improve overall performance. We consider all relevant input and, when appropriate, seek advice from people with experience and previous success".

"We cannot comment on individual issues", it is stressed from Enstone, the British headquarters of the team, where it is working to try to turn things around in the world championship, where it has collected in eight races only two points.

According to the Milanese newspaper, Briatore would be contacted by the president; he would not have an operational role but would act as "special supervisor" without "constant involvement in the&39;on-track" activity.

Flavio Briatore è absent from the Circus since the 2008 Renault Crashgate in Singapore, for which he was first disbarred from Formula 1 and then rehabilitated because the FIA disbarment process was deemed irregular.

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