Brindisi: official signing of Niccolò De Vico

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Official: Niccolò De Vico è a new player of Happy Casa Brindisi

Through a note issued on its official channels, Happy Casa Brindisi has announced its first reinforcement ahead of the 2024/2025 sports season. The Apulian club, in fact, announced the signing of Italian winger class 1994 Niccolò De Vico, who signed a contract until June 30, 2026.

"Happy Casa Brindisi announces that it has signed athlete Niccolò De Vico, a 200 cm Italian forward born in Monza on 19/07/1994. The player binds to the biancoazzurra company with an agreement valid from June 1, 2024 until June 30, 2026.

De Vico boasts more than one hundred official games played in Legabasket Serie A during his experiences in Biella (2010-13), Reggio Emilia (2017-19), Cremona (2019/20) and Varese (2020/21).

In the last three sports seasons, he has assumed the captain’s ranks of Reale Mutua Torino, making his mark in Serie A2 always in double figures in scoring over the three-year period at an average of 12 points and 5 rebounds per game. His playoff appearances with the Piedmontese team reached their peak in the 2022/23 season during the promotion final lost to Pistoia, abruptly interrupted by a cheekbone fracture that forced him to miss the entire series.

During the’last A2 championship he recorded the season high of 20 points with 3/4 from two, 3/5 from three and 5/5 at the free in 32 minutes in the match played against Trapani in January.

Welcome to Brindisi, Nick!" this is the note issued by the'Happy Casa Brindisi.

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