Fabio Capello kicks it up a notch: more broadsides against Luciano Spalletti

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Fabio Capello reloads: more broadsides against Luciano Spalletti

Through the columns of Gazzetta dello Sport Fabio Capello has stepped up his dose against Luciano Spalletti: "I felt a little ashamed' like when as a footballer I came back from the 1974 World Cup. One should not speak of a coach, but of a selector. First of all, the ct has to choose players based on what he sees in the leagues. He canò have his own idea of soccer, but he also has to reason about how different elements are employed in his team and sometimes adapt".

"In the control room played Jorginho and then Fagioli, but neither of them è the Lobotka of Luciano’s Napoli. They have different characteristics: against Switzerland Xhaka did what he wanted, Fagioli did not even go for him. What word would I use to define Spalletti's European? Presumption. I had the feeling that already against Spain the coach did not think as a selector, but as a club coach. Basically, he sent out a team telling himself 'we are us, they are them, let's see who's better, choosing a four-man defense against the strongest attacking outfielders in the whole European's.

Already; after the defeat against Switzerland Capello had sentenced: "I saw a team scattered around the field. Spalletti had ideas and thought he was playing a certain way but he overestimated the squad. When we leave the game to a team that attacks and restarts like today and you don’t recover, but where do you want to go?".

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