A new center for Brindisi

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Kevin Ndzie è a new Brindisi player

After the signing of Todor Radonjic, Valtur Brindisi places another incoming blow in the center department. The Apulian company, in fact, has announced the purchase of Kevin Ndzie, a 213-cm, Italian-trained Cameroonian center. The 2003 class player signed a contract with the Biancoazzurri until June 30, 2028, with a bilateral exit option after the first two sports seasons.

Originally from Cameroon, Ndzie moved to Italy and completed his youth trafilament at Stella Azzurra Roma. A junior and senior path with the Lazio club between Under 18 and 20 national finals and experience in two Serie B championships and a two-year stint in Serie A2.

In the 2022/23 season he moved to Cremona where he experienced the perfect season, the result of a historic triplete: Supercup, Italian Cup and promotion to Serie A. The initial part of the’last sporting year he starts it in Orzinuovi transferring then in December to Lumezzane in Serie B. In the Lombard club he soon became one of the great protagonists of the second half of the season, on the court for almost 25 minutes per game on a step away from the double-double average with 9.8 points and 9.4 rebounds.


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