Matteo Piano renews with Allianz Milan and exposes himself on retirement

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Matteo Piano and Allianz Milano together again

Through a long post on his Instagram profile, Matteo Piano announced his renewal for another season with Allianz Milano. For the 34-year-old it will be the eighth consecutive season with the Meneghini shirt. During the long message, in addition, the Azzurri captain also commented on possible retirement at the end of next season.

"I am very happy that with awareness, thanks to the fact that I talked with my family, my friends, the coach, all the staff, with Lucio I can give a good light to this new season. On the one hand I would like to set it up as if it were my last championship. Then, if everything goes magnificently well, I might decide to move on, because I still have so much desire. Forò I think it would be wrong to lose the goal of playing this season as if it were my last, as I wrote in my post.

It was also right for me to take time to communicate this decision to people and to be able to embrace everyone. Milan è the beautiful stage where I could express myself and communicate. We have grown together over these years. Every game and every practice will still be a’dense experience”. “Let’s embrace again, for the’last season. Unless I change my mind" these are the hot statements of the player as reported in the press release issued by the companyà.

“Of course I am delighted that Matteo has accepted our proposal to extend his contract. Always, in my history when I had to choose a collaborator first of all I looked at the’man. I have been a player and a coach in Serie A, and with Matteo Piano I knew very well that I was dealing with a great athlete, but if I may, I think I have found an even greater man. For intelligence, values and ability to play the role of captain. No, I never had the feeling in these weeks of negotiations, carried on with our sports director, Fabio Lini, that Milan would lose Matteo Piano this summer. And so itì è has been. I think Matteo's role will be fundamental this year given the many young people and new elements we have included in the team” this, instead, is the thought of Allianz Milano president Lucio Fusaro.

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