Gigi Buffon stays with national team: ‘Blue is my second skin’

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Gigi Buffon stays with the national team

Gigi Buffon remains with the national team. FIGC president Gabriele Gravina confirmed the former goalkeeper in the role of head of delegation after the two met earlier in the day at the Federation headquarters in Rome. 

"Gigi è an extraordinary resource for the FIGC and for the national team – stressed the number one of the Federcalcio -, he è stepped into the new role with great willingness and professionalism, I thank him for strongly wanting to continue to give his contribution to the Azzurri".

"Consistent with what was announced on the day of his presentation, after graduating as a sports director at the Coverciano course, è my intention to involve him also in a more operational role within the structure. His confirmation was my first goal for the relaunch of the national team and represents wonderful news for all of Italian football" concluded Gravina, in statements reported by the FIGC.

“L’azzurro è my second skin – said Buffon -, I am happy to be able to continue the path as manager started just less than a year ago in the National team, I thank President Gravina for the esteem and, as I have always done in my career, I will giveò my best for the National team. Moreover, in recent months, I have been able to acquire knowledge and professionalismà which I hope will be useful for the development of Club Italia and the strengthening of all the Azzurri".

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