Paris 2024, the expectations of Giovanni Malagò

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Paris 2024, Giovanni Malagò

‘s expectations.

Soì Giovanni Malagò, president of Coni, has his say on the now approaching Olympics during the presentation of the book "Oro rosa" by Marco Lollobrigida held at the CPO Giulio Onesti in Rome.

"These days you can breathe the Olympic air, in 22 days there's the opening ceremony in Paris, the Seine è navigable so the competitions will take place as planned”.

“We are going with a team on paper very strong, we have to prove on the field the possibility of going to medal. With basketball we could make the record number of participants and thus have more chances" to have medals".

"Paris will be the first Olympics in history in which, despite the fact that we have gone down as a unit", we will have absolute parity between men and women in terms of medals and competitions".

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