Monza, work in progress on the market

Monza, work in progress on the market
During the presentation of Alessandro Nesta as the new coach of Monza we è as logical, also talked about soccer market, with Adriano Galliani, CEO of the Brianza company, who made a little melina.
"The return of Daniel Maldini? For now it is only a suggestion. There'è no negotiations for Szczesny, if by negotiations we mean a real negotiation" he assured.
As for outgoing players, it is impossible to evade the subject Colpani: "There’è no ongoing negotiations with Fiorentina, nor with other clubs. He’s our player, then we will see’".
Nesta likes the player and not a little: "He’can’make a difference, but the market is made by managers, prosecutors and the players themselves" he cut it short.