Ferrari, Charles Leclerc now thanks Frederic Vasseur

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The words of Charles Leclerc

Charles Leclerc waiting to take the track in Hungary gave an interview to the BBC: "Being self-critical in Formula 1 è very important, becauseé you find yourself in a situation and a position where people tend to agree with you most of the time”, Leclerc honestly admitted in an interview granted to the BBC, telling that he is very strict to balance precisely this often too condescending climate that drivers find around themselvesé".

“In a team like ours, passion è so high that in happy moments there’s an overwhelming emotion, but also very heightened feelings in the negative when we are going through difficult times. In F1 è it is necessary to be as emotionally calm as possible and Fred tries to give us balance“.

“Whenever we have very difficult times, he helps us to come back to a reasonable level and not be too disappointed. Soì when we win, he gives us a hand not to be too up and brings us back down to earth. I have a very good relationship with Fred and he is certainly not afraid to tell me when I am doing something wrong or when he thinks I am doing or saying something wrong. I consider him a very important person to have by my side”.

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