Danilo Cremona did not make it. He was only 32 years old

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The world of sports, and of volleyball in particular, è under shock for the untimely death of Danilo Cremona: the athlete originally from Merate, in Brianza, è died at the hospital of Pisa, where he had been rushed to after an illness he felt on Saturday, during a beach volleyball match he was playing in San Giuliano Terme.

Despite the prompt intervention of rescue on the court and the immediate transfer to the Pisa hospital, where he struggled for three days, there was nothing to be done: upon confirmation of the news, all the clubs for which Danilo Cremona had played expressed their sorrow, through their respective communication channels.

Danilo Cremona, who was living in Milan for work reasons, had grown up sports-wise in As Merate Volleyball, his hometown club. He had later worn the jerseys of Polisportiva Besanese, Circolo Giovanile Bresso, Caronno, Concorezzo and Desio Volleyball.

"Impossible to fill a void soì great and deep – è just the message of Desio Volleyball, expressed through social channels -. The whole societyà huddles around the family in this moment of immense sadness. Hello Corry".

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