Trieste, a former NBA player in Jamion Christian’s court

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Trieste announces the arrival of Jarrod Uthoff

Pallacanestro Trieste’s buying campaign continues ahead of next season’s return to Serie A: the Julian club has announced the arrival, in coach Jamion Christian’s court, of Jarrod Uthoff, a 206-cm wing with experience in the NBA, in particular with the jackets of the Dallas Mavericks, Memphis Grizzlies and Washington Wizards and their respective affiliates in the G-League.

"The addition of Jarrod to our organization and team è cause for great optimism and excitement,” commented Michael Arcieri, general manager of the red and white team. “He is a player we have been following for years. A d'élite and versatile talent in the wing role, who scores from all three positions and puts tremendous pressure on the defense with his passing and reading the court".

"His experience in the NBA, Europe and Asia,” added the Trieste Basketball executive, “is invaluable to our roster, its chemistry and internal cohesion. He brings to Trieste a great basketball IQ, a tireless work ethic, a passion for the game and daily improvement, and a desire to compete that will improve our team tremendously".

"We are thrilled to have Jarrod and his family in the red and white and we welcome them to our beautiful city" with as much enthusiasm and warmth as possible" concluded Arcieri by welcoming the 1993-class basketball player, seen in Europe at Zenit St. Petersburg (2018/19 season) and in Japan last year, at the Yokohama B-Corsairs.

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