Paris 2024 Olympics, Massimo Stano between bitterness and pride

Massimo Stano: "It was not a given to finish in the top four"
The first track and field event at Paris 2024, the men's 20 km march, delivered a bitter verdict for Massimo Stano: the defending Olympic champion not only ceded the scepter to Ecuador's Brian Pintado, winner of the gold medal, but also è finished off the podium (completed by Brazil's Caio Bonfin and Spain's Alvaro Martin) by finishing fourth just one second behind third place.
Speaking to the microphones of 'Rai Sport' at the end of the race, the Palo del Colle marcher said he was nevertheless proud of the result, even in light of a difficult preparation due to ankle problems suffered in recent months: "I tried to focus on myself, I wanted to stamp myself to the firsts and I did it, I felt good and gave my best. Unfortunately, it è was not enough".
" I also used all the spare energy I had,” he added, “but I will be forced to see the podium from the bottom by only one second. However, I am happy becauseé finishing in the top four at the Olympic Games, with fifty-five days of preparation behind me, was by no means a given".
"I am proud of what I did today,” Stano continued, “I want to thank my staff, the doctors, the Federation, my family, everyone who helped me. If the Federation wants me in the relay, I am ready. It's a shame about the individual medal, I feel sorry for those who è woke up early to see my race: I will try again in Los Angeles".
The Italian marcher then wanted to shed light on the moments when he è seemed to struggle in resting his ankle: "I turned it over several times, there è something to review with the technicians and medical staff – he said -. There are moments when I really lose stabilityà, è a problem to be solved".