Formula 1 still at both Monza and Imola, Aci: “A dream”

The dream of two Grand Prix per year on Italian soil continues.
The Grand Prix of Italy and the Grand Prix of Emilia-Romagna represent a small anomaly in the Formula 1 calendar, which came about in 2020 in the midst of the Covid emergency (at that time, the Grand Prix of Tuscany, at Mugello, was also held). The same cannot be said for Monza and Imola, which coexisted in all the championships between 1981 and 2006. And so it is that the president of Aci, Angelo Sticchi Damiani, hopes it will continue to be.
Sticchi Damiani è spoke Monday from Monza, where the track surface è was completely resurfaced, the roadway widened and the escape routes reconceived. The contracts of the two homegrown Grand Prix, however, both expire in 2025, and the Aci è is working with the goal of extending them.
"Imola has already lost the Grand Prix in 2023 and we are in negotiations to recover it in 2026,” Sticchi Damiani reminded the press conference. In these cases forò it does not depend only on us or Formula 1, there are also other external factors. È always soì".
"We would like to continue racing here, and if we can do it, it would already be a very good result. Running two Grand Prix in Italy again was a dream, and it è came true. We hope that this dream will continue, but it was and remains a dream. New works are needed, and the authorization to carry them out. Improving Monza è something that represents the interest of all", wanted to clarify Sticchi Damiani.