Albert Gudmundsson-Fiorentina: Andres Blazquez blocks everything

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Genoa, Andres Blazquez blocks the transfer of Albert Gudmundsson

During an interview given to the microphones of "Il Secolo XIX", Genoa CEO Andres Blazquez, among the various topics discussed, dwelt on the lightning transfer of Mateo Retegui to Atalanta and on the future of Albert Gudmundsson, who would have already reached an agreement to move to Raffaele Palladino’s Fiorentina some time ago.

"We make disposals only if it suits us and if we already have the replacement. We rejected Fiorentina offers because we don t have a replacement to match and therefore we cannot deprive ourselves of Albert. The Viola offered him almost double the salary, we offered him a raise, but he let us know that he would like to leave. We però donò t want to give him up for technical issues, as heè è a crucial player for us. In these days è he has been out of action due to a muscle problem and in these days he has not been training due to fever" began the CEO of Genoa.

"Mateo had asked us to leave, we had budgeted for it and that is why we made an investment of almost 30 million on Vitinha, a player who has great qualities and great desire to show off. Then è Atalanta arrived, gave us what we asked for and the agreement è was found quickly. We count on intervening again in the attack, we are looking for a forward with the characteristics that the coach asked us" added the manager of the Rossoblù.

"We will remain competitive, we have never given up investing and we will continue to do so. When we made disposals, we did it with the aim of making the team even more competitive. Just look at what è happened in January: we decided to sell Dragusin, but the team was not affected, De Winter è grew and Vasquez è consolidated, while Bani è a guarantee. The performance of the defense è improved and the disposal è was a bargain for everyone" concluded Andres Blazquez.

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