Urban Cairo dry on Robin Gosens

Urbano Cairo speaks out on Robin Gosens
Urbano Cairo, speaking to the microphones of 'La Gazzetta dello Sport' spoke about soccer, pointing out the goals of the Granata club: "We want to add a fifth left back, although Lazaro had a very good preseason. The coach è very happy with him, but lì we need an extra player.
"In defense we need at least one player – added the president of the Toro -, becauseé we have four defenders plus; Schuurs who has very good feelings but about his return we do not want to say anything, also for superstition. Then, also in relation to possible exits, if there will be some more opportunities, maybe even last-minute grafts, I will not back out".
So he spoke clearly about the possible arrival of Robin Gosens: "I know that Gosens è still theì that he thinks: he has not given his availability to come to Toro. When you think too much and when things go on too long, it becomes difficult. I obviously like him: we have been talking about it for three months, what comes out è that on his part, although flattered, there is no conviction about the transfer. If there’è not conviction, you should never do it".
"Njie has done spectacular things: if he understands the potential he has and if he remains humble, he will be an asset. In Pinzolo I told him: if you don’t become a player, I’ll pick you up wherever you are. Director Ludergnani has done an important job in the nursery, I like him. We have very interesting young people, like Savva and Dellavalle. Perciun did very well when he è trained with the first team, Gabellini is growing a lot, Dalla Vecchia amazed everyone, Ciammaglichella è very good. I am happy, really satisfied" Cairo commented on the youth sector.