Cardiac arrest for coach, opponents save his life

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Cardiac arrest for coach, opponents save his life

Big scare at the Paris Olympics: during boxer Hasanboy Dusmatov&#39s gold medal celebration, Uzbek champion Tulkin Kilichev&#39s coach suffered a cardiac arrest. The coach è was rescued by two members of the British team: physician Harj Singh and physiotherapist Robbie Lillis.

Lillis told the PA news agency: "The Uzbek coaches team è returned to the warm-up area and everyone was celebrating, then from that area came shouts that were not celebrations at all. There'è was a cry for help, someone called for a doctor. Harj è was the first person to respond and I followed with the emergency bag we carry".

"When I arrived Harj had already started CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation, ed.) on the coach. I opened the trauma bag, took out the defibrillator, put electrodes on him as quickly as possible. Once we analyzed his heart rhythm, Harj said a shock was recommended, so we had everyone stand back and gave him a shock. Initially, it had no effect, but about 20 to 30 seconds later, after Harj continued CPR, suddenly Tulkin regained consciousness".

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