Nightmare night for Gianmarco Tamberi: “It’s over.”

Nightmare night for Gianmarco Tamberi
Worse approach to the high jump final at the Paris 2024 Olympics could not have been for Gianmarco Tamberi. The Italian athlete, through a long post on his Instagram account, revealed that he suffered another kidney colic in the night. The European champion, however, assured his presence on the platform, despite his poor condition.
"It's all over… I hoped until the last, I believed in it despite everything that had happened. I received such great support and affection from all of you that it gave me a unique strength to get up from this umpteenth problem, but evidently it had to be this way…
This night at 5 a.m. I woke up because of that same lancinate pain of a few days ago. Another renal colic. It has been 5 hours and still the pain does not go away. I managed to beat fate once after that injury in 2016, this time unfortunately I really think he won.
I am speechless, I am really sorry as hell. Will he still take the platform this evening? Yes, but I really do not know how heò will jump in this condition" this is the touching message from Gianmarco Tamberi.