Fiorentina, Raffaele Palladino sets the record straight

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The words of Raffaele Palladino on the eve of the challenge with Puskas Akademia

Raffaele Palladino spoke at a press conference on the eve of the Conference League playoff return match against Puskas Akademia after the 3-3 draw in the first leg. "It's obvious that it&#39s my Fiorentina, from the first day I set foot at Viola Park,” he began. We are growing day by day. There'è participation from the guys, great team attitude. I am calm about that. It takes a little bit of time for the automatisms going through the difficulties, the criticism and the moments when you don&#39t get things done. It's theì forò that we grow together".

So he promoted the purchase of Yacine Adli: "He's a strong player who played in Milan and comes from a great team. He has personality; and è a great dribbler. He brings us technical qualities, dynamism and unpredictability. He's an important player for us, we are glad he came to Florence".

The Viola coach has clear ideas for the challenge in Hungary: "We came here to pass the round. We know that we will face a team that will tryà to put us in difficulty; becauseé for them è a historic match. We have prepared well for this game and tomorrow I want to see a team that takes the field with a fierce attitude, whoever takes the field must have personality; becauseé we care about passing the round in the conference".

"Anyone influenced by the market? You talk about influence, no one has the flu (smiles ed.). Everyone is focused on tomorrow&#39s competition. Those who è here care to do battle to pass the round. It is obvious that the market è part of this period. Those who are not è here è because they are involved in these market situations. There are only a few days left, now we must not think about that but about what we have to do tomorrow" concluded Palladino.

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