Three mountain bigwigs join forces: Latemar is born

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Big news in the heart of the Dolomites

Latemar, the big news in the heart of the Dolomites. This is the new brand under which the three resorts of Obereggen in South Tyrol and Pampeago and Predazzo in Trentino will present themselves from the beginning of the next winter season. A strategic brand for the promotion and marketing of an area that combines in itself the peculiarities and characteristics of Val d’Ega and Val di Fiemme. 

The managements of the two plant companies, the Obereggen Latemar SpA led by CEO Benjamin Kirchmaier with the fundamental support of the Obereggen Latemar SpA board member and marketing expert Liselotte Pichler Kager, chaired by Siegfried Pichler as well as; Itap SpA Pampeago led by CEO Pietro De Godenz and chaired by Karl Schmid, have created the new logo, a strategic choice for the three Dolomite resorts. In the’shadow of that Latemar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which has always been a reference point for enthusiasts. In summer as in winter. 

An absolute novelty that associates a resort from South Tyrol and two from Trentino: Obereggen, Pampeago and Predazzo. A “Unicum” area that, in winter, allows snow enthusiasts to switch between the South Tyrolean and Trentino slopes without ever unhooking skis or snowboards. Just as in summer, thanks to that network of themed trails that make it possible to reach Pampeago and Predazzo from Obereggen and vice versa. 

This is the strength of an area, uniquely marked by the Latemar brand. Now under one hat “respecting the territorial identities, typical of each resort and locality ” highlight Obereggen Latemar SpA CEO Benjamin Kirchmaier and director Pietro De Godenz of Itap Spa Pampeago. Latemar: a key emblem in promotional and marketing terms in both the national and international tourism context. In winter as in summer. 

The new brand è was presented in the Zischg Alm mountain hut, a place chosen not by chance by the directors of the lift companies: an indelible symbol of Latemar, located between Pampeago, Obereggen and Predazzo. The presentation è was conducted by Moritz Gruber and Viktor Matic, executives of the Bolzano-based Zukunvt agency, which was commissioned by the lift companies to design the new brand and related marketing and communications strategy. The presentation è was particularly well attended by an attentive and interested audience to the great novelty of the 2024-2025 Dolomites. “We consider it strategic to promote the coming seasons, both in the winter and summer contexts, through the Latemar brand in the national as well as international arena” continued the executives of the companies’facilities. 



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