Cremonese privateer in the final, Catanzaro mocked

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An important signal for the promotion race.

Cremonese corsara in Catanzaro, thanks to the not easy 2-1 collected on the field of the Ceravolo stadium, which is worth the momentary second place in the Serie B standings just one point behind the leading Pisa. For the grigiorossi, the winning goal came in the final, after the lead at the beginning of the match and the subsequent draw by the hosts also in the first half.

Cremonese’s Friday starts in the best way: Castagnetti scores already on 5', attempting a cross that deceives Pigliacelli after crossing an area full of players who do not deflect the ball. Vazquez touched the immediate double, Iemmello the equalizer after a few seconds. Collocolo and Vandeputte could also sign the guests’ escape, but è Compagnon to equalize at 28' thanks to a splendid action in tandem with Situm.

Before halftime è De Luca twice came close to giving Cremonese a new lead, while Catanzaro started better at the beginning of the second half. Among the most inspired was newcomer Pagano, but the goal of the hosts’ possible victory did not come. The Giallorossi forcing did not pay off, so much so that it was the Lombardi who scored with Barbieri at 89'89' after a Var consultation.

Mockery then for Catanzaro, which remains only one point ahead of the playout zone. Cremonese, on the other hand, is flying, fresh from 7 points in its last three games. The candidates for promotion to Serie A are warned.

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