Velasco singles out Maradona but extols Messi’s genius

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"L'intelligence is not è only that theorized by Plato and Descartes"

Julio Velasco, after the World Cup gold medal at the helm of the women&#39s national volleyball team, è become, even more, a legend. A coach of outstanding qualities and a man who has faced any aspect of life with his head held high. In a long interview with Corriere della Sera, he touched on many topics, some decidedly private.

As a great sports fan, he è also dwelt on soccer and, in particular, on two Argentine aces like Maradona and Messi, who are often at the center of a thousand polls on who is the best. Julio Velasco has no doubts when asked to choose: "Maradona. In the world he was respected and loved, but only we Argentines and Neapolitans really loved him".

The seasoned coach added: "He was a man full of flaws, and precisely because of that he was close to normal people. It was not easy to be Maradona". An elegant and accurate picture of Maradona but also meaningful words towards Messi, considered a genius on the field but, often, referred to as "unintelligent" when not dealing with a ball.

"Intelligence is not è only that theorized by Plato and Descartes. The brain works in specific ways. Scanning the field like Messi does, or staying balanced like Simone Biles or Alice D'Amato, è a form of intelligence", his clear words.

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