Cagliari falls to Empoli: Tommaso Giulini intervenes directly

The words of Tommaso Giulini
The negative moment of Davide Nicola’s Cagliari continues. The Rossoblù have scored only two points in their first five matches and come from three consecutive knockouts. After the 0-2 loss to Empoli, club president Tommaso Giulini è spoke directly in a press conference taking charge of the situation.
"Our people expect something different from us, we are sorry for this performance. It's already time for reflection, and coach, manager and group have to step into this situation. We have not yet seen that team spirit necessary to achieve our goals. However, the group seems healthy, but we need a spark, because we did not expect to collect only two points in the first five games" began the president of the islanders.
"I said with coach Nicola that I felt it was my duty to apologize for these two negative performances. I also told him that I would appreciate it if this team went into training camp, soì to try to get back up" added the patròn of the rossoblù.
"The structure of the club seems solid to me, and maybe the problem is me giving less energy. I am struggling to understand what mistakes may be made in the construction of the roster. I will try to intensify the chats with everyone. The reaction must come from performance and I think the only way out of this delicate situation is through work" concluded Tommaso Giulini.