Filippo Ganna and Edoardo Affini, two Azzurri on the podium

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Ganna’s words

Double medal for Italy in the rainbow time trial. Stepping onto the podium at the 2024 Zurich rainbow event were Filippo Ganna and Edoardo Affini, who took silver and bronze, respectively. Ganna è was beaten by eve`s favorite Remco Evenepoel, who covered the 46.1-kilometer course in 53'01", preceding the Italian by only 7 seconds. At 55''Edoardo Affini, a few days ago on the first step of the European podium in Limburg.

Satisfied CT Marco Velo: "Two Italians on the world podium of the time trial I think it has never happened. Too bad for the blurred title but, since I’ve been following Ganna, I think today’s was his best performance. I knew he would have a great test. These days I have seen him serene and the tests in training were very good. His willingness to be there and the performance he delivered give the measure of the champion he è. I am sorry I could not bring a third blue, because I am sure Cattaneo would have done a great time trial as well. We expect him tomorrow for the relay. The conditions to do well are all there".

Filippo Ganna commented thus: "I am sorry that I lost the gold by only six seconds. I was defeated not by an outsider, but by an outclassman like Remco. On the eve of the event I had two options: say goodbye to everyone and come back in 2025 or get back in the game. I did and I think I did a very good performance. I am very happy for Edoardo: è since the World Championship in Florence in 2013 we have been racing together, he è one of the closest friends I have in the group, finally we are both on the podium of an individual time trial".

"Although I haven’t seen the data, I think I did my best performance ever. My joy è immense and if there's a regret it is about Filippo’s missed gold, but being on the podium together è was a great emotion. Today’s è confirmation that victory at the European Championships did not è come by chance", the words instead of Affini.

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