Fencing getting higher and higher in Italy

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Fencing, numbers

The’effect of the Paris 2024 Games promotes Italian fencing in terms of diffusion, popularity and approval of the sports results achieved. Not only that. In the sunset of the Olympics and Paralympics, the recognition of the Italian fencing movement as an excellence of “Made in Italy” abroad is further strengthened compared to the past. These are some of the main aspects that emerge from the market survey conducted by Datamining, a company specializing in surveys and data processing.

The ’in-depth study on the brand positioning of the Italian Fencing Federation in the four-year period 2021-2024 was divided into seven points on a sample of 1,000 Italians surveyed, 50% men and 50% women: among them, 225 people listed fencing among the “sports followed and practiced” of which 70 (7%) listed it as their “favorite discipline”. The’survey thus developed on 26% of followers (+5% compared to a’similar survey conducted six years ago), all others were probed as casual spectators. It should also be noted that among the “fans”, the most loyal, the Under 30s and women are on the rise.

Fencing, on the’Olympic wave, è been placed in 7th° place among the sports indicated by respondents. Piedmont, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Campania are the regions where è a higher prevalence of interest emerged. Traditional TV, especially thanks to the ratings success of the Paris 2024 Games, precedes social media among the tools used to enjoy fencing events, and the prevalence on pay TV has also grown.

“Internationality”, “style and prestige” and “competitiveness” and commitment” are the most perceived factors with respect to the discipline. In particular, fencing is considered excellence of “Made in Italy” in the world, for results achieved but also for the values conveyed by the sport. Eighty percent of respondents know the Italian Fencing Federation brand, appreciate its message of “inclusion launched through the “dual activity”” Olympic-paralympic and rated between “excellent” and “good” the results of Paris 2024.

Among the data that stand out, again, are the “fun” and the “participation of’entire families” among the audience. A successful snapshot, in short, which although, having the highest claim to reality, does not exclude the points on which it will be necessary to implement activity, such as awareness towards the general public (precisely by riding the Olympic wave), and the impact of extra-sports events that have touched the world of fencing in recent months. Moments that, in Datamining’s survey, turn out, however, not to have affected the perception of fencing as a discipline that carries positive values.

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