Parma, what a tegola: long stop for Alessandro Circati

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Parma, what a tegola: long stop for Alessandro Circati

Bad news in the Parma household. Alessandro Circati, in fact, who prematurely stopped the morning training session due to a physical problem, underwent instrumental exams that showed the rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee.

This was announced è by the same clubà gialloblù through an official note: "The medical staff of Parma Calcio announces that this morning, during training at the Mutti Training Center in Collecchio, Alessandro Circati had to interrupt the session prematurely due to an injury. Following the orthopedic examination and instrumental tests performed this afternoon, for the defender è it was highlighted the rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the left knee".

The recovery time is of course very long: the Italian-Australian defender will have to be out for at least 6-7 months. Quite a trouble for coach Pecchia, who will have to do without a starter in his defense: in place of Circati, Balogh is a candidate to pair with Delprato, with Osorio as the first alternative.

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