Walter De Raffaele ready for debut

The words of De Raffaele
Walter De Raffaele spoke ahead of the 2024/25 Unipol Serie A debut: "The overall physical condition of the team is quite good, although we have to manage some problems, between the flu states of Candi and Denegri and the muscle aches of Kamagate and Gorham. Soì as we will have to manage the Vital situation, which we are doing and will continue to do throughout this week".
"Cremona è a very aggressive team, a team that as every year tries to focus on little-known players who forò over the course of the year find in Cremona a great opportunity to grow, both Italians and foreigners".
"This year it has confirmed point guard Davis, captain Lacey and Eboua, so I think this is an important backbone. È a lineup that Demis (Cavina, ed) plays very well, with great execution ability, rebounding presence, and toughness on defense. For these reasons, I am sure that they will say their piece again this year"” he told The Little One of Alexandria.