Federica Brignone speaks out: ‘I will not continue so much as continue’

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Federica Brignone speaks clearly: "She will not continue"


Federica Brignone on stage at the Fisi mediaday spoke about her goals and her future, with the Olympics in Milan-Cortina increasingly imminent.

"The 69 podiums in the world cup? Never could I have imagined that. 17 months at the Olympics? Three years ago I didn&#39t think I would be here today, going forward I learned on my own skin not to put a career end date on myself anymore. I learned it at my own expense, I paid consequences. I am working season by season, as I have been saying for a few years now, I want to have short-term and long-term goals, and I am trying to work to have the best season I can".

"Obviously Milan-Cortina è getting closer, and clearly the thought there'è would be a nice dream. Però I havenò t set an end date for the truth yet. The hunger there'è if I am still here è just because of that".

"The day I will no longer feel like training 100 percent, as an athlete who wants to win races or try to win races, it won&#39t be worth it to continue. I just to continue just to continue will never do it, I will only do it if I have the motivation, this desire to train at a high level that then è the one that makes the difference".

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