Gianmarco Pozzecco gets out of line on Olimpia and Virtus

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Pozzecco’s words

Gianmarco Pozzecco è unbalanced himself on Olimpia Milano and Virtus Bologna: "They are two extremely competitive teams, they both have two good rosters, fans can dream. I then am an optimist by nature, so I think they can easily aspire to the Euroleague playoffs".

"Virtus lives on basketball and the warm building will help it". It has lost two games, this è true, but more by episodes than by its own demerits. The team is there’è and I am convinced that already this time it will be able to take the satisfaction it deserves, I don’t want Trinchieri to blame me…. The players to focus on? First of all Marco Belinelli, whom I have known all my life and whom I respect a lot. Then Pajola and Polonara, two players I have coached over the years along with Diouf and for whom I have a spasmodic affection. Another one who drives me crazy è Shengelia, whom I consider by far one of the strongest players in Europe. But let me go a thread further and mention among the key men for success Matteo Panichi, a former basketball player (all’attivo twelve seasons in A1; ed.) today an athletic trainer, the best I have ever seen. And in a basketball like this, with so many games to play, being able to count on a professionalismà like his canò make the difference", he added to Gazzetta dello Sport.

Chapter Milan, expected from Olympiacos: "I agree with Ettore, on paper they are really the favorites. But è it is also true that in the Euroleague you can win anywhere, there are absolutely no predictable games and results and I am sure that Milan will go to Piraeus to play its competition. Not every team can boast talents like Shavon Shields and Nikola Mirotic, especially on the offensive front: those two have the ability to make baskets in many ways, they are the reference points of Ettore’s team. And in the Euroleague, more than in the league, you have the need to deploy individuals who are able to make the decisive play in the final minutes".

Closing remark on his future: "From a personal point of view, I realized that coaching the national team è the most rewarding thing there is. Now è it è kind of like I am the coach of all the teams that “my boys” play on. And è always exciting".

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