Paulo Fonseca looks no one in the face

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The words of Paulo Fonseca

Paulo Fonseca spoke on the eve of the resumption of the championship: "The first day è went well, because I did not see anyone because they had gone away with the national teams. I have the full team since yesterday, we talked about the match with Fiorentina and prepared the match with Udinese. For me è it was very important yesterday to talk about the match with Fiorentina. What did I say? Everything that you expect. I do not close my eyes to a problem".

"My leadership I do not flaunt it, I am not an actor. What I say I say inside the locker room, face to face. If we have a problem, I don&#39t give a shit about the name of the player, I confront directly with the team or the players who did wrong".

And again: "For me no footballer è more important than the team. You have to take responsibility; when you make a mistake. And if someone makes a mistake in this team spirit for me è difficult. Let’s see tomorrow how it will be ".

Filling in on the band: "I arrived here and Milan already hadà three captains. Calabria, Theo and Leao. Becauseé they are the players with more games in Milan. I may or may not agree with that, but I respected that, I have to respect that. What I think è that this team needs more leadership. It è not important who goes on the field and uses the band, but it è important to have in the locker room 2-3 players who share that leadership. I think we have other players who can help these players: è leaders not only who wears the sash…. We have other players who can help in this".

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