Italbasket women’s team, Andrea Capobianco calls for solidity with Czechia

Andrea Capobianco calls for solidityà
For women's Italbasket another valuable step towards the 2025 Women's European Championship, which will see a round played at the Paladozza in Bologna from June 18-21. On Thursday, Nov. 7 at the new Palasport in Genoa at 6:15 p.m. the Azzurre will face the Czech Republic, a challenge valid for the third day of the Women’s EuroBasket 2025 Qualifiers.
There are 14 previous records of the Women’s National Team with the Czech Republic, 6 our successes. The first was è played in Myjava on May 6, 1994 (57-59), the last è recent and painful. At the’debut of the last European Championship, on June 15, 2023, the Azzurre were defeated 58-61 by Holesinska and her companions.
Coach Capobianco spoke this way in the press conference: "We know the Czechia, è a team that thrives on exaltations, on breaks, on sudden flashes: they know how to run the court and they know how to trigger the low post. We will necessarily have to play a solid game, with few lost balls in order not to risk 'igniting them'".
"As great teams do, I expect each of my players to help their teammates to express themselves at their best: è a delicate game, the ranking of Group I may mislead because the last place of Czechia è random" commented the coach of the Azzurre.