Sofia Goggia, injury behind: ‘It’s like nothing happened’

Sofia Goggia prepares for comeback
Sofia Goggia spoke to the press via a link from Denver, just days before her return to the slopes over the weekend in Beaver Creek. "Definitely for me è it was the longest American trip of my whole career,” she began, “but obviously having removed the means of synthesis on September 7, I had to wait 40-45 days to be able to then ski in Europe. I did a few days just to understand a little bit about the adaptation to the boot that fortunately did not need any modification, so then I did three days in Senales and three days in Solden and then we decided to fly directly here".
"By the way, this program è was the same as Nicol Delago’s,” added the Bergamasque – who also, having broken her collarbone in Ushuaia, needed to ski a bit more, and I think it was the right choice. Becauseé the secret in my opinion è being able to make a very good trip to Copper Mountain, which last year we didn t do instead because of the races that had put us in mid-November in Cervinia".
"Copper è a crucial gathering especially for speed becauseé è the only training where you can really do a minute and thirty of downhill in the whole year. The work you do here and also just on set-up è qualitatively higher. I honestly am fine, the foot è something I don't think about, clearly I arrived a little rusty. The first few days I skied only in the upper part, so we were also doing 10 laps very intense because there is a really important pushing part and the altitude is as well, training at 3500-3600 meters which for is a different altitude than in Europe because there are still trees there, Colorado being very continental".
"When the speed track" was ready, I" finally started to have some good sessions in both SuperG" and downhill and let" let" let" say that the confidence with speed" remained. Maybe I m'expected to have a little bit more qualms, a little bit more fear to face certain turns at high speed, maybe even in the dark. And instead I came naturally to face the training sessions, as if 'nothing had happened' but this also came from the fact that my foot is really well and it didn t give me any problem at all".