Federica Brignone in Semmering to dispel a taboo

Federica Brignone has a tabù to debunk
Federica Brignone is preparing for the third seasonal giant slalom of the Women’s World Cup, scheduled for Saturday at 10 a.m. (second run at 1 p.m.). With her are seven other azzurre entered in the race: Marta Bassino, Roberta Melesi, Asja Zenere, Elisa Platino, Ilaria Ghisalberti, Giorgia Collomb and Lara Della Mea.
The Valdostana has a tabù to dispel: on the 'Panorama' she has not yet reached a podium in her career, the’goalè to hit it and bring to 31 the different locationsà where è managed to rank at least once among the best three in the World Cup.
“I finally did two days of giant slalom seriously,” Brignone admitted, “because I haven’t trained seriously in this specialty since Killington. Today we went through Kranjska Gora, where I have done full heats for almost 1' and physically I feel good".
"Semmering è one of the few tracks where I never managed to get on the podium, although actuallyà è a track that I è always liked. Two years ago (in Semmering is run alternately with Lienz, ed.) I finished fourth and fifth, so very close to the podium, I’m going to attack and then see what happens. The track seems slightly moreù wide than in the past" concluded the blue.