Paola Egonu chases poker against her past

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Paola Egonu è one of the most awaited protagonists of the Super Final

One of the many themes of the Women’s Champions League Super Final è certainly the chance for Paola Egonu to win her fourth career Champions League with as many different clubs. The obstacle for the 1998-born opposite player and her Allianz Vero Volley Milano è però of those very difficult ones: on the other side of the net there will be, in fact, the battleship Imoco Conegliano, who è just confirmed as champions of Italy.

Egonu, by the way, è one of the exes of the match and it was with Conegliano that she won the Champions in the 2020/21 season. In that team there were two other athletes who are now part of the Lombardy team: they are Raphaela Folie and Myriam Sylla, who gave in turn a great contribution to the success in the final (3-2) against VakifBank Istanbul in Verona.

Paola Egonu&#39s other two successes in Champions, however, date back to 2018/19 with the jersey of AGIL Volley Novara (defeated in the final by Conegliano itself 3-1) and to last season, 2022/23, during the Turkish experience at VakifBank (Eczacibasi beaten in the last act 3-1).

The match between Allianz Vero Volley Milano and Imoco Conegliano will be staged Sunday, starting at 7 p.m., at the Sports Hall in Antalya, Turkey. For Milan è the first ever Champions final, while Conegliano has played four finals, winning the one in 2021 and losing the ones in 2017, 2019 and 2022.

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