Marcell Jacobs dreams of another gold to make history

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The words of Marcell Jacobs

Marcell Jacobs, on the sidelines of CIbus in Parma, è returned to talk about his seasonal goals: "An Olympic medal è always an Olympic medal, but I want to aim for gold. Winning the Olympics again would mean becoming part of athletics history because only two people have won two consecutive gold medals and to be the third would be something wonderful".

"Right now I have so many unknowns becauseé I have twisted my type of training, so I no longer have those references that I once had to understand where I was in my preparation – added the Tokyo Games triumphant -. The coach tries to share as little personal data as possible because heé wants us to always give our best". 

In the next three appointments, I will try to push 100 percent to put together all those puzzle pieces that we have been building over the past few months. I hope to do that when it matters most, so at the Olympics, passing of course through the European Championships. I hope to make as many mistakes in the next races to figure out what I still need to fix".

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