Awarded the Ambrogino d’oro to Inter. The words of Giuseppe Marotta

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Delivered the Ambrogino d'oro to Inter. The words of Giuseppe Marotta

These are the words of Inter CEO Giuseppe Marotta during the awarding to the Italian champion club of the Ambrogino d’oro, the highest honor of the Municipality of Milan granted on the occasion of the Nerazzurri’s second star.

"I bring greetings from President Steven Zhang, who was unable to attend but never failed to show his affection for us and security. He strongly applied the concept of delegation, he will suffer from not being here with us today“.

“We are grateful to him and his family who lavished capital and gave us confidence. In the world of sports and business, there's no team that goes out and wins that doesn&#39t have a strong company behind it that helps support the team".

“With the second star we have reached an important milestone and we want to raise the bar even higher, we are Inter and we have an obligation to also look at the palmares we have”.

"Twenty scudettos is not é a point of arrival – said Mayor Sala -, the hope of me and the Milanese people é to see the 21st soon. I have already told the Milanese that I am also waiting for them here if they will go from Scudetto 19 to 20. But in the meantime, here today there'è the Internazionale".

For the players, captain Lautaro Martinez took the floor: "We have done a very important thing and we have to continue on this path thinking that our goal é to take Inter as high as possible, always".

Coach Simone Inzaghi thanked "the city of Milan and our wonderful fans because we know that without them this path would not have been made with so much confidence".

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