Torino, Ivan Juric updates on Buongiorno and Zapata

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Ivan Juric’s words on the eve of Torino-Milan

Ivan Juric, coach of Torino, presented the match against AC Milan, scheduled for Saturday at the Olimpico Grande Torino at 8:45 p.m. in a press conference: "With AC Milan they have always been good matches, only in the last one we had a bad performance. I expect an intense match, they have champions and we will have to be careful".

"We have had so many good matches, I think of the 3-0 with Napoli and Atalanta – added the granata coach on the team’s domestic performance -. And other times we have played great soccer maybe without getting results. We had very high peaks".

He then updated on the condition of Buongiorno and Zapata: "They want to be there at all costs, they have a great attachment. Zapata yesterday and today training, Buongiorno only today: tomorrow morning we will try all solutions. As it stands to date, they both play".

On the Europe dream: "We were fighting to save ourselves now we are on the left. That would be the icing, the top. And it would be a wonderful thing. We are close to Europe, we will try to do something fantastic".

" It was tiring work, but I enjoyed it. There were great difficulties and we gave a game, we are the third best clean-sheet defense in Europe and we never made the fans ashamed of us. It would give me great pleasure to take this step, it has to turn us around but we are close: it would be great. Now I want to finish great, we are one point behind Napoli and we can achieve something that seemed difficult" concluded Juric.

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