Massimiliano Alvini ready to start again but there is a first no

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Alvini aims higher

Gubbio management is showing strong interest in Massimiliano Alvini as a possible successor to Piero Braglia at the helm of the team. This was reported by Corriere d’Arezzo, which also questioned the Fucecchio coach to see if the deal could go through.

It seems not, at least for the moment: “Gubbio there I’ve in my heart, for’I’m waiting for a call from Serie B” are in fact the words of’former coach of Perugia reported by the Tuscan newspaper.

Alvini è returned from two decidedly disappointing years. At Cremonese, in Serie A, è he was exonerated when the grigiorossa formation was in the bottom of the standings. Same fate at Spezia, where è he was removed to make room for D’Angelo.

The interest of Gubbio for a coach who not even two years ago challenged Inter, Milan, Juventus, Naples and Rome remains, however, a clear sign of the ambitions of the Umbrian club, which dreams of landing in the cadetteria.

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