Milan, many possible quid pro quo to get Tammy Abraham

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The yellow and red spearhead would have already given his okay to the Devil

AC Milan is tightening up to complete its offensive package. After Morata (Giroud’s natural heir), they are looking for another quality forward. The most popular name remains that of Abraham. The Giallorossi striker has reportedly already given his okay for a transfer to the Rossoneri club.

The Giallorossi club values the English striker no less than 30/35 million euros. It should be remembered that the former Chelsea and Aston Villa, still has two years left on his contract with the Giallorossi club. Coming back from a long injury, in the last season he played 12 games, with one goal to his credit.

The Diavolo in order to convince Roma to give up the British striker would be putting several technical quid pro quo on the table, hoping that some names would interest Roma coach De Rossi. In particular, AC Milan would be ready to include Okafor, Calabria and Saelemaekers in the deal.

Roma&#39s response is expected soon, also because AC Milan is in a hurry to give coach Fonseca the striker he has been waiting for quite some time. The idea of relying on the Morata-Abraham duo intrigues a lot. At the moment, the Rossoneri company would not be negotiating other profiles for the role of center forward, convinced that they can get to the classic white smoke for the Briton on Roma’s strength.

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