Virtus, Polonara and Pajola aim high

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Virtus, Polonara and Pajola aim high

The two stars of Virtus Bologna, Achille Polonara and Alessandro Pajola, at the microphones of Sky spoke about the start of the season and this year's goals of the Vu Nere: "Porelli Gymnasium full and incredible heat, but once again we can feel the warmth of our fans and we are very happy that they came to greet us today". 

"We have great ambitions for this season, last year for me personally è it was difficult, I hope it can be different and successes can come. Positive feelings, many of the new people, especially the Italians I already knew them, with Clyburn I played at the’Efes, but we are very happy with all the new people and that they are all available to the team. They all want to do well and this è the most important thing".

Pajola also shares the same enthusiasm: "I came back with a lot of desire to meet the new guys, to hug my old teammates again and to wear this tank top. The way I am made , I don’t place great expectations ahead of me, I can say that for the moment I have met good people, very good guys, who are so eager to sweat on the court, to train, to improve, to create a group and a team that goes above individualità. That è definitely the most important thing we are working on and will work on”.

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