Gabriele Benetti returns to Pistoia: “I didn’t think about it for a second.”

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Gabriele Benetti introduces himself

Gabriele Benetti, back in Pistoia after the one-year experience in A2 with Juvi Cremona, introduced himself in a press conference: "For me è it is great to come back here because with Pistoia there are super memories of the championship I won with my teammates at the time, a city that gave me so much with the attention of the whole staff and the warmth of the fans. Choosing the return è was easy: as soon as I got the call, I didn’t doubt for a second and so I’m here ready to do whatever I’ll be asked to do, just as I said at the time of my first arrival".

"In these first weeks we are trying many different things, both in offense and defense – added the red and white winger -: the positive aspect è to see that all my teammates are available and attentive, they want to do and improve every day. The locker room that is being created è good: on this we have to give credit to captain Della Rosa and Lorenzo Saccaggi who have been here for more years and are the’soul of the team. We had some friendly outings but the work to be done is not lacking since we still have to test ourselves with teams of category".

"For now we è still seen little, waiting to face teams in our league è difficult now to say what’è is really going and not going – continued Benetti – for sure from the small wing spot up we are very tall and physical, an aspect to be exploited when we get to the championship. We are missing Paschall who è a very good player and we are curious to see how our set-up will be with his presence: for now we try to adapt with Childs as an outside player, making Silins and Brajkovic play together. A choice that is paying off but against teams of lower categories: we are waiting to see the next tests and we will understand more. Paschall’s presence will goà to fix our set-up, knowing that this very large version of quintet mayà pay off in some games".

"As for the climate here, è always something special: big differences with the past I have not found any, I am looking forward to playing a game in front of our fans becauseé è something I miss a lot and I am curious to see how we will go on for the rest of the season. On a personal level, however, è it è a proving myself: I am returning to a Serie A roster after ten years, I have had a lot of experience in A2 and I find myself in a different situation. For me è a great challenge" concluded the new acquisition of the Tuscans.

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