Elijah Childs in Pistoia supermotivated

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Pistoia: Elijah Childs’ first words

Elijah Childs, new wing of Estra Pistoia, introduced himself at the press conference: "I arrived in Pistoia with great motivation and I am very happy, I love this group and all those who are part of it: at this stage of the season è obvious that you work especially on the’chemistry of the team and I must say that we are getting along well with the’goal, day after day, to get as soon as possible to the top of the results and make us ready".

"For me è a pleasure to be back playing in Italy – added the American -: I had made my debut in the rookie year in A2 with Trapani, I was very young and it was a very difficult year especially because it was the first time I measured myself away from home, where everything è different. Compared to that championship lì, però, I have grown: I think my basketball intelligence has increased and I have also changed my style of play because Ié take fewer shots than before and, rather, I adapt to the play of my teammates and think about being useful both in offense and defense. I think, in conclusion, I have improved a lot both on and off the court".

On the Italian league: "The level here è high, after all we are in a top-league at the world level for how I evaluate the Italian league, last Saturday we found a very difficult team like Scafati that made us understand how important it is, still, to work on the mechanisms to be oiled in every area of the court. Our credo will have to be always the same: to prepare at our best every match, even in the pre-season, and to fight in every moment. Again, my impressions remain positive, I feel good and I am in good shape: I è regret not being there last Saturday but I am ready to take the field in these two close games where we will try to do our best".

"We start with an advantage in Pistoia, since Italy è definitely my favorite country and I am glad to be back there, the fans are very warm and I was very pleased that already after a few days there’è who stops me in the street and says Forza Pistoia. From our point of view, we hope to repay them on the court by giving everything we have and with great performances. I must say that I was really welcomed with open arms" concluded the red and white wing.

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