Luna Rossa doesn’t discount and immediately turns the series around

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Red Moon ahead 2-0 in the series

It's started as well as it could not have begun the semifinal series, best of nine races, that will determine who between Luna Rossa and American Magic will go on to play for the Louis Vuitton Cup (and, consequently, the rank of "contender" for the America's Cup) against the winner of Ineos Britannia-Alinghi: the first two races, staged on Saturday, in fact saw Luna Rossa win in both cases.

The 2-0 win in the series è came thanks to success with a 7" lead at the end of the first race, while in the second race the Italian outfit's AC75 boat è imposed itself with a more substantial 18" lead. Ineos Britannia è is also ahead 2-0 against Alinghi: 2'05" the gap of the first matchrace, 1'37" that of the second.

Whoever reaches five wins first wins: the next two races are scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 15, the fifth and possible sixth the next day. Seventh and eighth, should they be necessary, are instead scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 18, while the "bella" would be held on the 19th, should one of the series, or both, finish on 4-4 after eight races.

Luna Rossa’s crew today included Jimmy Spithill and Francesco Bruni at the helm with Umberto Molineris and Andrea Tesei as trimmers. As for the cyclors, Enrico Voltolini, Bruno Rosetti and Cesare Gabbia sailed both races, while Emanuele Liuzzi è alternated with Luca Kirwan.

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