Franco Chimenti re-elected president

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Franco Chimenti re-elected

Franco Chimenti è was re-elected President of the Italian Golf Federation for the four-year period 2025-2028, obtaining 71.29% (1,952 votes) of the consensus against 21.61% (594 votes) of challenger Ivan Rota. There were 192 blank ballots, however, or 7.01%.

President of the’Assembly Carlo Mornati, Secretary General of CONI, who proclaimed the’ufficialty; alongside’Lawyer Michele Signorini, Vice President.  The’election è took place in Rome, at the Palazzo delle Federazioni, where’the turnout and participation was great with 91.29% of the constitutive quorum.

"I am happy and excited. I thank everyone who believed in me. I feel I can still give a lot to Italian golf, I have enthusiasm and desire. The’goal, for the next four years, è to make this sport emerge more and more. For this, it will need everyone’s support. I am sure that we will take great satisfaction from it, including toward the Olympic Games in Los Angeles. I want to continue to stand by the Circles, the Professionals, and all the professionals who work and distinguish themselves with commitment and passion. A special thanks to the entire federal team, this victory è also for them”.

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