Luna Rossa in the final, Max Sirena puffs up his chest

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The words of Max Sirena

Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli è managed to win the Louis Vuitton Cup finals relaunching the race towards the 37th America's Cup, to the delight of Max Sirena, skipper and team director of the Italian syndicate.

"If we look back at the first races, INEOS was probably one of the least ready crews from the point of view of boat preparation's fellowship, while the Americans were the most advanced. You have to be careful about making snap judgments about people or teams because it only takes a little to change. We are the ones who adapt best to every condition, since è it is also difficult to make predictions here since the forecast changes from night to morning. You have to be able to find the opponent's weak point, but if we adjust to our level, we can beat anyone".

"It’ a job you don’t do in a day. We intentionally used the stages of boat work as team building in order to create fellowship among the team members. I can confirm to you that the strength of a team is seen in the down moments, not in the best ones since they are also the ones that scare us,” Sirena concluded. “I think each of us considers himself privileged since he does a job he loves, and I think it gives us extra strength. We are pleased to represent Italy because it shows how a small country can beat a giant like America. Obviously thisè è a phenomenon that happens for other sports as well, however we are pleased that everyone is becoming a sailor".

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