Louis Vuitton Cup final, Luna Rossa wins first race

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Louis Vuitton Cup Final, Luna Rossa wins first race

Luna Rossa won the first race against Ineos Britannia of the Louis Vuitton Cup final in Barcelona. Ineos è arrived at the finish line 46''.

The departure of Bruni-Spithill was decisive, and from that moment they controlled without ever taking risks, except for a span caused by rough seas and strong wind at the limit of raceability. Luna Rossa touched speed peaks of 100 km/h.

Great satisfaction on board."It was really complicated because of the wind conditions and the rough sea, we did a great job – said Francesco Bruni at the end of the race – I am proud of the team, we also recovered some small mistakes we made. It's normal, here in the water we were flying and there are moments of losing control"

Two match races are scheduled today. The final è best of thirteen challenges (whoever reaches seven victories first goes through) that will entitle to contest the America's Cup to Team New Zealand from Oct. 12 to 21.

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