Double toast for Paolo Lugiato

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Double toast for Paolo Lugiato

Milan’s fine derby victory over Inter 2-1 relaunched Fonseca’s team toward the upper reaches of the standings and gave the Rossoneri an important breath of fresh air. Beating their cousins in the extracittadina then increased the awareness of the potential of the team that probably lacked the prestigious victory to improve its self-esteem and look to the future with different eyes. Especially in view not only of the upcoming league challenges but especially to the Champions League engagement against Bayer Leverkusen on German soil next October 1. Highlighting the good moment of Fonseca’s boys è superfan Paolo Lugiato, Auditel’s new general manager.

“I am always of the idea – he explained – that when you change the helm of a team and consequently so many players you have to be patient because é in the long run the results come. The derby è was a demonstration of how Fonseca’s Milan has good potential and that the Società has worked well in the market. Defeats may come that must be analyzed but the important thing is to get back up right away and from the mistakes treasure to return to winning ways. Soì è happened against’Inter”.

And then he adds: “In these first few days the league has not expressed, at least for now, a team that is stronger than all the others, but in my opinion there are four to five teams that play on equal terms and among them there’è just Milan. In the derby I saw a mature, solid and unpredictable team, never tamed”. And Paolo Lugiato himself, canò toast not only to his Milan’s derby victory but also to his appointment as Auditel’s General Manager. In fact, the Board of Directors of Auditel, at the proposal of Chairman Lorenzo Sassoli de Bianchi, during last Tuesday’s meeting unanimously appointed him General Manager of the company.

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