Cagliari, Davide Nicola announces four absentees with Parma

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The words of Davide Nicola on the eve of Parma-Cagliari

Cagliari coach Davide Nicola spoke in a press conference on the eve of Monday night’s post-match match with Parma: " a very strong team, è a fact. Built very well and working together for three years, but in this retreat we have focused on our way of building game and make sure that for the opponents it will not be an easy match".

The Sardinians’ coach will have to reckon with four absences for the challenge against the Gialloblù "Wieteska, Pavoletti, Lapadula and Jankto will be out. We hope to recover them for next week. Prati è recovered, he is fine".

Obligatory choices then in attack: "Without Pavo and Lapadula the choices will be more or less obligatory. The team has alternatives and ideas. Gaetano? Not è at the top, he needs time to get back in line with the rest of the squad. It will not take" much".

" We are a team that has to save itself, and we have made calculations. We do not focus on defeats, but on ourselves. Even the round in the Coppa Italia (1-0 win over Cremonese, ed), along with the retreat, gave answers" concluded Nicola.

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