Massimiliano Allegri, some are pushing for a return to AC Milan

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The words of John Galli

Giovanni Galli in Libero spoke about a possible return to Milan of Massimiliano Allegri: "If you aim for an immediate turnaround, the right name è that one. Max è pragmatic and in two minutes he will get your team back on its feet: iron defense and in front space for individualityà".

Not only that: "Maurizio Sarri è very good, but he needs to train every day with the team. Ergo he needs time and canò pay duty at the beginning: he should be waited for in the first two/three months to reap the fruits of his labor". 

"To be from Milan you need not only good feet, but you also need to be real men. The Rossoneri lack the hard core of Italian players, who give a sense of belonging. For foreigners, unfortunately, one club is worth the other: they do not know the value of that jersey that must always be honored. For the fans and for the history of the champions with a capital C who have worn it. Not like some of today&#39s pseudo top team players who of the word champions do not even have the initial C".

"C'had been the precedent of the cooling-break with Lazio, now certain episodes begin to be too many. Baresi, Massaro and Ibra must make people understand how it is at Milan. At Milan you don&#39t have fun: you work and sweat to honor its history. I feel sorry for Fonseca: I think he is a good coach who would have needed more support from everyone. The episodes in Florence are not a good sign for him …".

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