Vero Volleyball Milan puts in the third: beating Chieri

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Numia Vero Volleyball Milan-Reale Mutua Fenera Chieri '76 3-1 (25-20; 26-24; 25-27; 25-14)

Numia Vero Volleyball Milan is back in style at the Opiquad Arena. In fact, in the’advance of the thirteenth day of the first leg of the regular season, the meneghine beat in four sets (25-20; 26-24; 25-27; 25-14) a tenacious Reale Mutua Fenera Chieri ‘76.

This was the third consecutive victory for the Consortium’s first women’s team, which after Pinerolo and Rome also won the challenge against the Piedmontese and won more important points for the standings, in which è momentarily leads at a share of 9 points.

A match at a very high pace the one staged in Monza with Orro and companions determined in attack and precise in defense. In the first two partials, the Milanese immediately made their position clear, controlling even in the final bars the opponents’ comeback attempt. In the third fraction, Chieri è was good to start with decision and win a set in the advantages (25-27), which also saw a match point for the hosts. In the final partial, Vero Volley dominated, which after the first study phase immediately took the lead, closing 25-14.

MVP of the match Helena Cazaute (20 points), in the new role of opposite in place of Egonu. Also in double figures Sylla (17), Daalderop (16) and Heyrman (12). Of note were the 9 points of Orro. Now the busy week continues for Lavarini’s girls: Sunday, October 20 at 16:00 they will be back on the field of the Allianz Cloud in Milan for the awaited challenge against Igor Gorgonzola Novara.

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